Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Riprap Trail Camping - April 30, 2011

Today we had our first documented camping adventure!  We wanted to get some practice carrying our packs before the BIG TRIP so camping it was.  We went back to Riprap Trail because we remembered seeing several areas to camp along the stream.  Unfortunately Jamie had already walked close to 6 miles that morning while babysitting, so she was not feeling prepared for a 6 mile hike, with an extra 25-30 pounds on her back.  The hike took a bit longer than the last time we had hiked it, but we managed to reach our campground well before dark.
            The campsite we chose was not the site we had in mind when we were thinking of places to camp, but it was incredible! It was right next to a blue swimming hole (which would have been amazing if it was the summer time) that had orange fish swimming in it.  And it was so wonderful to fall asleep to the sound of the water trickling over the rocks.  This spot could’ve been where they get the sounds for the sound machines!  

            After many hours of sleep, we began our hike out of the valley and up to the Skyline Drive.  Like the last time we hiked it, we kept thinking we were reaching the top, and then more steep trail would appear around the corner.  It started to rain as we were getting close to the parking lot, so Alex had the opportunity to try out his pack cover.  No way we can ever lose him in the woods!
            This is our last adventure before the BIG TRIP, so can’t wait to see what the coming weeks bring!

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