Sunday, April 17, 2011

Doyles River and Jones Run Part 2- April 17, 2011

Guest-starring Susie An!

Today we set off for an adventure in the Shenandoah National Park with our good friend Susie!  As we got closer to the Skyline Drive, we realized that "Ooops!" Alex had forgotten the National Park Pass.  Hoping that they would somehow be able to look us up, we continued on our way.  When we asked the ranger she told us that no, she couldn't look us up, but luckily, it's National Park Week (April 16 - 24th) and admission is free all week!  After a 30 minute drive, we made it to our trailhead, but we had no idea what would be in store for us.

We knew that with the storms yesterday the waterfalls would be much stronger than the last time we hiked these trails.  We just didn't know how strong.  A lot of the trail had been turned into streams, especially as you walked farther down the mountain.  As soon as we started, we could hear the sound of what we thought was Jones Run Falls, but it was actually a large stream that did not exist the previous time we hiked the trail.  There was no obvious way across without getting very wet.  We looked up, down, and ALL around, and eventually we found fallen trees that could save us!  Alex gingerly walked across a rickety old log which bowed with every step.  Jamie and Susie opted for the butt scoot across a stronger, more stable, but skinnier log.  We made it across without knowing that there would be many more daring crossings to come.

After 20 minutes of puddle hopping, we made it to Jones Run Falls.  It did not look anything like it did last time.  It was HUGE!  We couldn't go anywhere near the spot where we took pictures last time because it was engulfed with flowing water.  We continued on the trail until we ran into another roadblock.  It was more than 40 feet of flowing water with no rocks to jump across! Again, we found an enormous fallen tree that could get us across.  Alex walked with ease to the other side, but Jamie took her sweet time, making sure to be extra safe.  Susie had a different kind of roadblock. Jamie.
The long log crossing!

The next challenge was the hardest of them all.  We had great difficulty passing here last time when the water was much lower.  We had been told by other hikers that they made it across, so we knew it was possible but had no idea how.  After walking down and then up the river, we found yet another tree that could get us across.  This time it was butt scooting for everyone because the tree was rather skinny.  What a funny sight that was.  Because we had to hike a ways back up the river to find this tree, the other side was not very hiker friendly.  In fact, it was basically a cliff, but we somehow managed to make it back to the trail after seeing a SNAKE! Jamie didn't run this time, which was a good thing, because there was nowhere to go.

The rest was a cake walk. Kind of.  Just one more easy log crossing.  The hardest part now was that it was all uphill.  The falls were incredible to look at and so was the green bug we saw! We later learned that it was an evil bug (the Emerald Ash Borer) which had invaded from Asia and was killing all the Ash trees! Oops, we thought he was friendly.

We took the Appalachian Trail back to the parking lot and were happy to be done with a fantastic, daring, long hike.  All those river crossings gave us a workout!
What a difference!
One week ago. Same overlook.

Total Hike Time: 4.33 h
Difficulty: Strenuous

Distance:8.33 miles
Elapsed Time:4:19:53
Avg Speed:1.9 mph
Max Speed:13.2 mph
Avg Pace:31' 12" per mile
Min Altitude:1,628 ft
Max Altitude:2,953 ft

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