Wednesday, April 13, 2011

South River Falls - April 10, 2011

Our first documented adventure with Dan and Charlotte!

Another foggy start to our day, but interestingly this time when we reached the mountains, we were ABOVE the clouds!  This was a hike that we had done a few times before and loved, so we wanted to share the joy with Dan and Charlotte.  We began by hiking down the fire road (the road which had previously made Jamie very tired going up), so that we could reach the base of the falls.  The falls were beautiful, and if it had been warmer, it would have been nice to wade in the pool at the bottom.  There was a lovely rock near the waterfall that looked great for a picture, so we decided to get a group shot of all of us, using the timer on the camera.  Dan, Charlotte, and I lined up and waited as Alex set up the camera. When it was set, he sprinted towards us to make the 10 second limit.  Unfortunately, the rocks had another idea and Alex went tumbling down.  Luckily, he only had a couple of scrapes. That's the picture the camera took after Alex fell. Look at Jamie's face!

Alex wasn’t injured enough, though, to keep him from exploring more. After we had our fill of the wonderful falls, we climbed up the mountain next to the falls to get a view of it from the top.  It was very slippy and steep but we managed by using all four of our limbs.  We made it to the top of the falls and the view was great.  We then hiked over the the viewing area that was on the trail to give us a different perspective of the falls.  It was quite a different view than in February when it was frozen. 

We then hiked back up the trail towards the Skyline Drive.  The trees still weren’t green yet, but there were more and more hints of spring.  The highlight of the trip.... we didn’t have to tell Dan “horses” once!

horses: verb- a request for the leader of the hiking pack to slow down

Total Hike Time: 1.5 h
Difficulty: Moderate 
Distance:3.68 miles
Elapsed Time:1:25:20
Avg Speed:2.6 mph
Max Speed:5.9 mph
Avg Pace:23' 13" per mile
Min Altitude:1,986 ft
Max Altitude:2,999 ft

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